Dave Angell Trains
Mobile: 07968 975 867
Please call 9.30AM – 9PM Mon – Fri
or 10AM – 8PM Sat – Sun
I am always looking for new items, both to add to my personal collection and for sale to support the collecting bug.

If you have any old trains or toys that you think I may be intersted in, please contact me preferably by email with a list of what you have on dave@daveangell.co.uk.

I am currently looking for good quality Minic Motorway vehicle collections.

I am particularly interested in finding unusual variants of 0-4-0 locos, especially an R355 Nellie type loco in yellow with the number 7 on its side (it's usually 6) and small wagons.
Also, as you can see on my Minic Motorway page, I need more pavements, in particular, straights and the odd sizes for junctions etc. Thanks!