Dave Angell Trains
Mobile: 07968 975 867
Please call 9.30AM – 9PM Mon – Fri
or 10AM – 8PM Sat – Sun
My Displays: Push Along Animals
Triang - Jump Jockey - Push Along Animals - Minic Motorway - Playcraft - Layouts - Nellies - Matchbox - Triang Toys

Please note; Display items are not for sale.

On this page of Dave Angell Trains you can see part of my collection of Triang / Pedigree / Lines Bros or International Model Aircraft Ltd push along animals - the same range but with different names of the company!

My collection started in March 1961, the 2nd to be precise! For my first birthday I was presented with ‘Neddy’ and his cart. He was played with for years until retiring to my parents loft and later my own.Re-discovered in the early 2000’s he was taken to a ‘Tri-ang Society’ show, as a visitor, and created quite a stir. A few years later and a dog was found in a local antique store – that was the beginning of today’s collection.The animals are either built around a mild steel frame covered with mohair and stuffed with woodwool, or molded in plastic.

Please click on a photo to zoom in - opens in new tab/window

Me and Neddy 1961Neddy again circa 2010Triang Society Zoo
A similar horse to Neddy on a fixed push along base.With a few dog friends - the little one is an imposter.Note Neddy's steering mechanism.
The little dark donkey is a favourite of many people and quite rareOur Poodle scares many people - you like it or loath it!The Sheep dog is fairly common but the plastic Elephant is unusual.
A Trio of Plastic Animals!Poor Donkey needed a large hole in his thigh repairing!Guard duty at Alresford Toy Museum
Under starters orders at Triang Society show in Sale.